Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lesson Two: And most importantly ------relax!

Today I was sitting down to hummus and shish kabobs with a friend. As we poo-pooed on life, men, and work my friend pointed out just how bitter and angry I sounded. I used to sound like that all the time before I made up my mind to live a happier and more carefree life. So as the conversation continued and we circled back around to another topic that got my hackles up I stopped myself.

Use the stop sign - seriously it helps.

I hit the mental breaks on that thought and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and I pictured the ocean. I find the constant in and out of the water lapping at the beach is the most calming sensation. So I took a moment and when I had released enough of the tension from my body and anger from my voice I opened my eyes.

My friend asked, "Where did you go?"

"Away for a moment. I meditated and let go of some of the anger and bitterness. I don't like sounding like that."

And I certainly don't like feeling it. Whether it is a mental image, rocking out to some music, taking a walk, smoking a cigarette.

Whatever it takes you to let go - and relax. Remember it. Do it.

It's easy to get wrapped up in your own anger and feelings, but it won't get you anywhere. Maybe by letting go though you make the rest of your day/dinner/evening that much nicer.

Maybe, just maybe, you are more able to laugh or smile - it's good for your health.

So....we all have something we can do to let something go. Keep it in mind and practice, practice, practice.

Do it with me now - ---

Breathe in...

Breathe out...

Breathe in...







Ha! Hope you remembered to breathe out and keep on breathing.

Life is sometimes that simple.

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